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Horry-Georgetown Technical College

Welcome Staff Member Employees!

Staff member employees will enter their leave in the myHGTC portal through the Employee Self-Service Leave Reporting System.

Please view the Leave Reporting Webinar and accompanying PowerPoint, which provides step-by-step instructions on how to access, enter, and submit your leave. 

Staff Employee Leave Manual

Supervisors - ONLY:

Supervisor Leave Approving PowerPoint

Absentee Form

Helpful Tips:

Tip #1 - It is advisable for leave reporting to enter and save your leave entries throughout the week; however, it is best not to submit leave for approval until the end of the week or even the following Monday.

Once you submit your leave for approval, you will no longer have access to that week to enter any additional leave taken, unless you ask your supervisor to return it to you for correction. 

Tip #2 - When entering Request time off (time in the future), the time you enter will roll automatically into Leave Report when that week actually occurs; this is a convenience so you will not have to re-enter the leave you previously requested. Once the leave rolls into your Leave Report, you must submit the Leave Report to your supervisor for approval; you must do this regardless of whether your supervisor previously approved your request for the leave.  This might seem like a double submission, but this allows you to still access that week in case you need to make changes to that selected week's leave entry.

**Consider Request Time Off as an early request to your supervisor of time you anticipate taking and Leave Report as the reporting of actual time taken.**

Tip #3 - Once you enter your time under different days under the same leave category (e.g., you took annual leave for Thursday and Friday), then the total amount of time taken under annual leave will automatically populate under the Total Hours column. You do not have to enter the total hours - just enter the time taken under each day.

Tip #4 -If you have run out of your Sick Leave balance, the remaining time that you need to take should either be entered under Annual Leave or it will be considered Leave Without Pay (LWOP). If you do not wish to enter your remaining Sick Leave time under Annual Leave, please notify Human Resources for processing as LWOP.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Do you wish to donate leave to the Leave Transfer Pool Program?

The Leave Transfer Program is a way that Horry-Georgetown Technical College employees may voluntarily transfer sick and/or annual leave into a leave transfer pool from which other HGTC employees may request withdrawal for severe emergency and catastrophic circumstances.

Leave Donation Form - Staff

Please view Policy & Procedure 3.3.6 to read more information regarding the Employee Leave Transfer program.  Click here to view the Policy & Procedure.