Contact Us
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 protects students, employees, applicants for admission and employment, and other persons from all forms of sex discrimination.
HGTC prohibits the offenses of domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, and stalking and will provide students, faculty, and staff with necessary information regarding prevention, policies, procedures, and resources.
Any student, or other member of the college community, who believes that they have been a victim of sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault, or stalking may file a report with the college’s Title IX Coordinator or campus law enforcement*.
* Faculty and Staff are required to report these incidents to the Title IX Coordinator when involving students. The only HGTC employees exempt from mandatory reporting are licensed mental health professionals (only as part of their job description such as counseling services).
All inquiries regarding the federal laws as they relate to discrimination on the basis of sex may be directed to Tamatha Sells, Title IX Coordinator, Horry-Georgetown Technical College, Building 1100C, Room 107B, 2050 Hwy 501 E, PO Box 261966, Conway, SC 29528-6066, 843-349-5218,
Any student, Faculty*, or Staff* member who believes he or she has experienced or witnessed discrimination including sexual harassment, domestic violence, dating violence, sexual assault or stalking are encouraged to report such incidents to the Title IX Coordinator:
Tamatha Sells, Title IX Coordinator
Building 1100, Room 107B
Conway, SC 29526
Questions regarding Title IX may be referred to the Coordinator listed above or to the US Department of Education Office of Civil Rights. (Telephone: 800.421.3481 | Email:
* Faculty and Staff are required to report incidents to the Title IX Coordinator when involving students. The only HGTC employees exempt from mandatory reporting are licensed mental health professionals (only as part of their job description such as counseling services).
HGTC Resources:
- Horry-Georgetown Technical College’s Counseling Services
- Call: 843-349-5309 (Referral to Confidential Counseling Services: Assistant Director of Student Development)
- Email:
- Public Safety
- Call 911
- CCU Dispatch: 843-349-2177 (Non-emergency) or 843-349-2911 (Emergency)
- Conway Campus: 843-349-7806 | Cell: 843-251-6111
- Grand Strand Campus: 843-477-2115 | Cell: 843-251-9405
- Georgetown Campus: 843-520-1400 | Cell: 843-466-1869
- Title IX@HGTC – Information Guide
Local Resources
- Children’s Recovery Center
1801 Legion Street, Myrtle Beach
843-448-3400 - Family Justice Center
24-Hour Hotline: 844-208-0161 - Little River Medical Center - Carolina Forest
4220 Exchange Drive, Myrtle Beach
843-663-8000 - Rape Crisis Center
24-Hour Hotline: 843-448-7273 - United Way of Horry County
843-347-5195 - Waccamaw Center for Mental Health
9630 Scipio Lane, Myrtle Beach
National & Statewide Resources
- DoD Safe Helpline (Military) - | 877-995-5247
- RAINN (Rape, Abuse & Incest National Network) - | 800-656-HOPE (4673)
- FBI Human Trafficking Division - | 888-373-7888
- Harriet Hancock LGBT Center - | 803-771-7713
- SC Coalition Against Domestic Violence & Sexual Assault - | 803-256-2900
- National Domestic Violence Hotline - | 800-799-7233
Take the pledge against sexual assault -
Title IX of the Education Amendments of 1972 (“Title IX”), 20 U.S.C. §1681 et seq., is a Federal civil rights law that prohibits discrimination on the basis of sex - including pregnancy and parental status - in educational programs and activities.
According to guidance received from the Department of Education’s Office of Civil Rights (“OCR”), under Title IX, colleges must not exclude a pregnant student from participating in any part of an educational program. Horry-Georgetown Technical College is committed to ensuring that pregnant students receive reasonable accommodations to ensure access to our educational programs. Students do not have to drop out of classes or academic programs or change educational plans due to pregnancy.
Policy 3.1.1: Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination Statement
Policy 9.3.7: Student Code and Grievance Policy
Procedure Student Code Procedures for Addressing Alleged Acts of Sexual Harassment Under Title IX
HGTC’s Title IX Personnel (Coordinators, Investigators, etc.) are required to receive specialized training on dealing with reports of sexual discrimination. The content of that training is available at the links below:
Association of Title IX Administrators
National Association of College and University Attorneys (NACUA)
- Title IX/VAWA Investigator Training
- Title IX Update: Final Regulations
- Annual Training for Advanced Title IX Coordinators and Deputy Coordinators
US Dept. of Education Office of Civil Rights
D. Stafford and Associates
- 2020 Title IX Regulations: Policy Implications and Practical Application
- Title IX Advisor Training
- Title IX Investigator Training
- Title IX Decision-Maker Training
Grand River Solutions
- From One Title IX Coordinator to Another: A Practical Approach to Navigating Beyond Compliance—2024
- The Practice of Conducting Fair, Thorough, and Trauma-Informed Sexual Misconduct Investigations
- 2023 - A Practical Approach to Navigating Beyond Compliance in a Post Regulatory World
- SC Training - Pregnant and Parenting
- Title IX and Title VI Investigator and Hearing Officer Training March 2025
SC Technical College System Office