Policies, Practices and Procedures
Relationship with State and Federal Governments
Area Commission
- 1.2.1 Functions of the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Commission
- 1.2.2 Constitution and By-Laws
- 1.2.3 Naming Opportunities and Recognition of Contributions
- 1.2.4 Area Commission Code of Ethical Behaviors and Expectations
- 1.2.5 Principles for the Annual Performance Evaluation of the College President
Policies and Procedures
Office of the President
- 1.3.2 Adherence to SACSCOC Substantive Change Reporting Policy
- 1.4.1 Functions of the President
- 1.4.2 Responsibility for College Fundraising
Administrative Bodies
- 2.1.1 Financial Authority
- 2.1.2 Signatory Authority
- 2.1.3 Audit of Financial Record
- 2.1.4 Purchasing (Procurement)
- 2.1.5 Insurance
- 2.1.6 Petty Cash
- 2.1.7 Investment of Temporary Funds
- 2.1.8 Auxiliary Enterprise Funds
- 2.1.9 Bank Depositories
- 2.1.10 Check Cashing
- 2.1.11 Dishonored Checks
- 2.1.13 Transfer of Tuition Fees for Capital Expenditures
- 2.2.1 Travel Reimbursement for Travel and Subsistence Expenses
- 2.2.2 Travel and Subsistence Expense Monies
Grant Seeking and External Funds
- 3.1.1 Equal Opportunity/Non-Discrimination Statement
- 3.1.2 Employee Definitions
- 3.1.3 Employment Practices
- 3.1.5 Telecommuting (SBTCE 8-7-106)
- 3.1.6 Employment of Relatives (SBTCE 8-7-102)
- 3.1.7 Appointment to Permanent Status/Probationary Period
- 3.1.9 Employee Performance Management System (SBTCE 8-4-100)
- 3.1.9 Faculty Performance Management System (SBTCE 8-4-101)
- 3.1.10 Exit Interview for Termination of Employees (SBTCE 8-8-100)
- 3.1.11 Temporary Grant and Time-Limited Positions/Employment (SBTCE 8-2-108)
- 3.1.12 Employment Outside Horry-Georgetown Technical College (SBTCE 8-7-101)
- 3.1.13 Position Descriptions
- 3.1.14 English Fluency Requirements for Faculty Employment (SBTCE 8-2-109)
- 3.1.15 Background Checks (SBTCE 8-7-109)
- 3.1.16 Working Hours
- 3.1.17 Reduction in Force (SBTCE 8-7-103)
- 3.1.18 Notification of Employment Status (SBTCE 8-2-101)
- 3.2.1 Direct Deposit and Distribution of Payroll
- 3.2.2 Changes in Payroll Deduction
- 3.2.3 Employment/Salary Plans (SBTCE 8-2-102)
- Compensation Plan for Unclassified Vice President Positions (SBTCE 8-2-102.3)
- Compensation Plan for Unclassified Non-Teaching Personnel (SBTCE 8-2-102.2)
- Compensation Plan for Unclassified Faculty Personnel (SBTCE 8-2-102.1)
- Adjunct Faculty Hiring Process and Compensation
- Temporary Employment
- Compensation Plan for Classified Employees (SBTCE 8-2-110.2)
- Classification Plan for Classified Positions (SBTCE 8-2-110.1)
- Employment/Compensation Plan for Technical College Presidents
- 3.2.4 Overtime Policy (SBTCE 8-2-104)
- 3.2.5 Secondary State Employment/Dual Employment (SBTCE 8-2-100)
- 3.2.6 Payroll Deductions - Permanent/Full-Time Employees
- 3.2.7 Salary Supplements: Technical College Presidents (SBTCE 8-2-107)
- 3.2.8 Salary Supplements: Technical College Employees (SBTCE 8-2-106)
Absences and Leave
- 3.3.1 Employee Absence
- 3.3.2 Sick Leave (SBTCE 8-3-102)
- 3.3.3 Annual Leave (SBTCE 8-3-100)
- 3.3.4 Legal Holidays (SBTCE 8-3-108)
- 3.3.5 Other Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103)
- Court Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103.1)
- Military Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103.3)
- Funeral Leave for Death in Immediate Family (SBTCE 8-3-103.4)
- Voting Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103.2)
- Faculty Non Work Day Procedure
- American Red Cross-Certified Disaster Service Leave, Blood Drive and Donation Leave, Bone Marrow Donor Leave, Organ Donor Leave, and Administrative Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103.5)
- Workers' Compensation Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103.6)
- Extended Illness Leave (SBTCE 8-3-103.7)
- 3.3.6 Employee Leave Transfer Program (SBTCE 8-3-106)
- 3.3.7 Break in Service (SBTCE 8-3-104)
- 3.3.8 Leave for Educational Purposes
- 3.3.9 Family and Medical Leave Act
- 3.3.10 Voluntary Furlough Program
- 3.3.11 Mandatory Furlough Programs (SBTCE 8-1-102)
- 3.3.12 Paid Parental Leave (SBTCE 8-3-107)
- 3.4.1 Employee Benefit Program
- 3.4.2 Faculty and Staff Development Program
- 3.4.3 Employee Assistance Program
- 3.4.4 Organizational Memberships
- 3.4.5 Separation Incentive Programs (SBTCE 8-1-100)
- 3.4.6 Teacher and Employee Retention Incentive Program (TERI) (SBTCE 8-7-107)
- 3.5.1 Loyalty to Institution
- 3.5.2 Ethics Requirements for Employees and Public Officials (SBTCE 8-0-105)
- 3.5.3 Labor Relations (SBTCE 8-0-100)
- 3.5.4 Non-Discrimination and Anti-Harassment (SBTCE 8-5-101)
- 3.5.5 Freedom of Information (SBTCE 8-0-107)
- 3.5.6 Solicitation and Distribution
- 3.5.7 Political Activity (SBTCE 8-0-103)
- 3.5.8 Personal Benefit from Instructional Projects or Written Materials
- 3.5.9 Employee Alcohol/Drug Use
- 3.5.10 Telephone Usage
- 3.5.11 Dress Code
- 3.5.12 Nondiscrimination of Employees with Disabilities
- 3.5.14 Workplace Violence (SBTCE 8-5-102)
- 3.5.15 Non-Fraternization (SBTCE 8-5-103)
- 3.5.16 Social Media (SBTCE 8-0-108)
Discipline and Grievance
- 3.6.1 Disciplinary Action (SBTCE 8-5-100)
- 3.6.2 Employee Grievance and Appeals (SBTCE 8-6-100)
- 3.6.3 Personnel Files (SBTCE 8-0-106)
Health and Safety
- 3.7.1 Contagious Diseases, Infections and Pandemic
- 3.7.2 Smoking on College Property
- 3.7.4 Accidents/Illnesses Occurring on or off Campus
- 3.7.5 Safety
- 3.7.6 Hazardous Weather Due to Local Conditions and Emergency Leave (SBTCE 8-3-105)
Property and Facilities Control
- 4.1.1 Property Control
- 4.1.2 Equipment Inventory and Disposition
- 4.1.3 Security and Housekeeping
- 4.1.4 Donations to the College
- 4.1.5 College Equipment and Technology
- 4.1.7 External Use of Facilities
- 4.1.8 Facilities Maintenance
- 4.1.9 Acquisition of Equipment Costing $5,000 or more
- 4.1.11 Alcohol Use by External Groups
Transportation and Vehicles
Public Press and Media Relations
- 8.1.1 Field Trips/Student or Group Travel
- 8.1.2 Attendance Policy
- 8.1.4 Grading System
- 8.1.5 Grade Records
- 8.1.6 Work Experience: Cooperative Work Experience, Supervised Work Experience, and Internships
- 8.1.7 Limited Access Programs and Program Acceptance
- 8.1.8 Faculty Advising Program
- 8.1.9 Academic Freedom and Responsibility
- 8.1.10 Classroom and Time Assignment and Class Breaks
- 8.1.11 Instructional Packages and Learning Outcomes
- 8.1.13 Dual Enrollment
- 8.1.14 Class Management and Lab Safety
- 8.2.1 Instructional Loading Guidelines for Faculty
- 8.2.2 Faculty Observations and Student Evaluations
- 8.2.3 Supervision of Adjunct Faculty
- 8.2.6 Sponsoring College Activities
- 8.2.7 Professional Organizations
- 8.2.8 Curriculum Advisory Committees
Continuing Education
Development Education and Learning Success Center
Awarding of Academic Credit
- 8.5.1 Advance Placement (AP) Credit
- 8.5.2 College-Level Examination Program (CLEP) Exemption Credit
- 8.5.3 Experiential Exemption Credit
- 8.5.4 Credit by Proficiency Examination
- 8.5.5 Auditing a Curriculum Course
- 8.5.6 Resident Credit Requirement
- 8.5.7 International Baccalaureate Program Credit
Academic Processes, Records and Documents
- 8.6.1 Add/Drop Period
- 8.6.2 Repeating a Course
- 8.6.3 Withdrawal
- 8.6.4 Readmission
- 8.6.5 Changing Student Grades
- 8.6.6 Standards of Academic Progress
- 8.6.8 Criminal Background Checks and Drug Screens on Selected Students
- 8.6.9 Confidentiality of Student Records
- 8.6.10 Academic Records Management and Security
- 8.6.11 Official Class Roster
- 8.6.12 Student Requirements for Graduation
- 8.6.14 Academic Honors
- 8.6.16 Academic Forgiveness
Learning Resource Center
- 8.7.1 Deselection and Preservation of Library Collections
- 8.7.3 Evaluation of the Library
- 8.7.4 Library Collection Development
- 8.7.5 Interlibrary Cooperative Agreements
- 8.7.6 Challenged Materials
- 8.7.7 The Higher Education Opportunity Act of 2008
Accreditation & Compliance
- 9.1.1 Residency Classification for Tuition and Fee Purposes
- 9.1.6 Assessment/Placement Tests
- 9.1.7 Transfer Credit Evaluation
- 9.1.8 Admissions Policy
- 9.1.12 Registration of Curriculum Students
- 9.1.13 Registration Personnel
- 9.1.14 Change of Major
- 9.1.15 Student Classification for Admission
Tuition and Fees
- 9.2.1 Payment of Tuition/Fees
- 9.2.2 Transcripts
- 9.2.3 Student Engagement Fees
- 9.2.4 Late Registration Fee
- 9.2.5 Refunds
- 9.2.6 Curriculum Tuition Schedule
Student Conduct
- 9.3.2 Dress and Personal Appearance
- 9.3.3 Alcohol and Drugs
- 9.3.4 Eating and Drinking on Campus
- 9.3.5 Weapons/Firearms
- 9.3.6 Student Conduct
- 9.3.7 Student Code and Grievance
- 9.3.9 Presence and Safety of Children on Campus
- 9.4.1 Announcements
- 9.4.2 Bulletin Boards
- 9.4.3 Health Services for Illness and Injury
- 9.4.4 Career Development
- 9.4.5 Student Telephone Messages
- 9.4.6 Services to Students with Disabilities
Student Activities
- 9.5.1 Athletic Programs
- 9.5.2 Intercollegiate Athletics
- 9.5.4 Student Engagement
- 9.5.5 Registration of Student Club, Organization, and/or Affiliation
- 9.5.6 Fundraising by Student Clubs, Organizations and/or Affiliations
- 9.5.8 Commencement Exercises
- 9.5.9 Student Engagement Hour
- 9.5.10 Student Publications
Financial Aid
- 9.6.1 Institutional Scholarships
- 9.6.2 Academic Satisfactory Progress for Title IV Student Aid Recipient
- 9.6.3 Financial Aid: Guiding Philosophy
- 9.6.4 4% Educational Fee Waiver
- 9.6.5 Professional Judgment
- 9.6.6 Financial Aid Refund Policy
- 9.6.7 Verification of Title IV Recipients
Student Safety and Accountability
Pursuant to section 41-1-110 of the code of laws of South Carolina, as amended, the language used in the Horry-Georgetown Technical College policy and procedure manual, handbook, and other relevant documents does not create an employment contract between the employee and the College. The policy and procedure manual, handbook, and other relevant documents do not create any contractual rights or entitlements. The College reserves the right to revise the content of the policy and procedure manual, handbook, and other relevant documents, in whole or in part. No promises or assurances, whether written or oral, which are contrary to or inconsistent with the terms of this paragraph create any contract of employment. By clicking on the Online Policy and Procedure Manual chapters, you affirm that you understand this disclaimer.
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