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How Tutoring Works
The Student Success & Tutoring Center is dedicated to providing students of Horry-Georgetown Technical College with quality academic support services to promote the development of skills for professional communication and lifelong learning.
Here’s what to expect:
Your tutor will prepare for your individual or group session by reviewing any materials you may have provided in the shared folder made available in Penji (our tutor-scheduling app). The tutor will begin each session by inquiring about whatever assignment or project you are currently working on, also requesting your instructor’s assignment sheet. Please have a copy or access to this information handy.
Your individual or group session will last 30 minutes or 55 minutes, depending upon your request. If more tutoring is requested, you may schedule a follow-up appointment via Penji. If your tutor is unavailable for any reason or cannot attend the session, you will be contacted by an SSTC manager or representative to help reschedule your session.
Please note: you may not book double (“back-to-back”) sessions with your tutor without prior approval. Please see our Policy page for more information.
Here’s what we expect from you:
Tutors expect students to arrive on time and prepared for their sessions. Whether you are brainstorming, revising an existing draft of an assignment, or studying for a test, we ask that you arrive prepared to work! As a courtesy, please have your assignment instructions available to view, as well as any completed or graded work you wish to review.
If you need to miss your scheduled session, please cancel your session in Penji as soon as possible and notify the SSTC by emailing or calling 843-349-7872. Please respect your tutor’s time by attending your sessions.
Please note: Students who miss 3 sessions will be unable to schedule future sessions. Please see our Policies page for more information.