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Associate in Arts - Associate in Arts Degree

Program Requirements:

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Admission Type:

General College Admission
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(843) 347-3186

art students

Graduates of the Associate in Arts (A.A.) program usually transfer to senior institutions and major in such areas as business administration, education, and the liberal arts. The degree stresses communications, humanities, and behavioral and social sciences, so it is ideal for the student who wishes to broaden his or her general knowledge. An A.A. degree can lead to careers in such fields as sales, marketing, law, journalism, teaching, public relations, and human resources. Students who are currently undecided about their educational or career goals will find transfer courses that will apply toward their future major or career choices.

To assist students with their career and education goals, within the Associate in Arts degree, the College has established career pathways intended for advising purposes. The career pathways include a limited number of courses specific for the career or discipline which a student wishes to pursue. Students choosing a career pathway within the A.A. degree will graduate HGTC with the Associate in Arts degree.

Because transfer requirements vary, students should work with their Academic Advisor and the transfer institution to plan a specific program of study. Visit http://www.sctrac.org to view transfer programs at a number of senior institutions.

15 To Finish Logo

15 To Finish

This academic initiative is designed to save students time when it comes to degree completion. The 15 to Finish program encourages students to take five classes each semester. In doing so, students can complete their Associate in Arts degree in just four semesters instead of five if they are successful in each course. The Associate in Arts degree requires 60 credits for completion. For more information on this program, please contact a New Student Development Coordinator in Admissions, Minda Chuska, or Paul Crolley.

The mission of the Associate in Arts Program is to develop well-rounded students through exploration of English, Communications, Mathematics, Natural Sciences, Social and Behavioral Sciences, Humanities and Fine Arts with additional emphasis placed on communications, behavioral and social sciences, humanities, and fine arts.  Upon completion, a student will be prepared to transfer to a senior institution of higher education or enter the workforce.


  • Transfer Readiness
  • Student Achievement
  • Program Effectiveness
  • Professional Readiness

Career Pathways

Previous education and work experience could qualify for Credit for Prior Learning, saving you time and money.
Go to the University Transfer page for more information.

For more information contact:
Minda Chuska - 843-349-5222
Paul Crolley - 843-349-5234

Curriculum Sequence

Credit Hours
English Composition and Speech  
ALL of the following must be completed:
ENG 101 English Composition I 3
ENG 102 English Composition II 3
SPC 205 Public Speaking 3
   Total Credit Hours Needed 9
ONE of the following courses MUST be completed:
MAT 110 College Algebra  
MAT 120 Probability and Statistics  
MAT 122 Finite Mathematics  
MAT 250 Elementary Mathematics  
  Total Credit Hours Needed 3
Natural Sciences and/or Mathematics
TWO courses to be chosen from the following courses (may not repeat from above):
AST 101 AST 102 BIO 101 BIO 102 BIO 105
BIO 209 BIO 210**** BIO 211 CHM 110 CHM 111
MAT 111 MAT 120 MAT 122 MAT 130 MAT 140
MAT 141 MAT 251 PHY 201 PHY 202  
  Total Credit Hours Needed 6
Humanities/Fine Arts
TWO courses to be chosen from the following courses:
ART 101 ART 105 ENG 201 ENG 202 ENG 205
ENG 206 ENG 208 ENG 209 ENG 230 ENG 236
HIS 101 HIS 102 HIS 201* HIS 202 MUS 105
PHI 101 PHI 110 PHI 201 PHI 211 REL 103
SPA 201 SPA 202 THE 101    
   Total Credit Hours Needed 6
Social Behavioral Sciences
TWO courses to be chosen from the following courses:
ANT 101 ECO 210 ECO 211 GEO 101 GEO 102
PSC 201* PSC 215 PSY 201 PSY 203 PSY 208
PSY 210 PSY 212 SOC 101 SOC 102 SOC 205
   Total Credit Hours Needed 6
To be selected from the Humanities/Fine Arts and Social Behavioral Sciences sections above.
  Total Credit Hours Needed 15
OTHER courses to be selected from the following***:
ACC 101 ACC 102 ANT 101 ART 101 ART 105
AST 101 AST 102 BIO 101 BIO 102 BIO 105
BIO 110 BIO 112 BIO 127 BIO 209 BIO 210****
BIO 211 BIO 225 CHM 105 CHM 110 CHM 111
CHM 211 CHM 212 CPT 114 ECO 210 ECO 211
ENG 160 ENG 201 ENG 202 ENG 205 ENG 206
ENG 208 ENG 209 ENG 230 ENG 236 FRE 101
FRE 102 GEO 101 GEO 102 HIS 101 HIS 102
HIS 201* HIS 202 MAT 110 MAT 111 MAT 120
MAT 122 MAT 130 MAT 140 MAT 141 MAT 250
MAT 251 MUS 105 MUS 111 MUS 112 PHI 101
PHI 110 PHI 201 PHI 211 PHY 118 PHY 201
PHY 202 PHY 221 PHY 222 PSC 201* PSC 215
PSY 201 PSY 203 PSY 208 PSY 210 PSY 212
REL 103 SOC 101 SOC 102 SOC 205 SPA 101
SPA 102 SPA 201 SPA 202 THE 101  
   Total Credit Hours Needed 15

*Students transferring to a senior institution are recommended to take HIS 201 or PSC 201 at HGTC to satisfy Reach Act requirements. The Reach Act was passed in 2021 by the General Assembly.
**IMPORTANT: Courses used to complete one requirement cannot be the same courses used to satisfy other requirements. 
***Students may substitute up to 6 hours of elective courses in this category with permission of the Department Chair.
****BIO 210 grades are used as an admission requirement to multiple health care related programs, therefore students are strongly encouraged to complete a college level lab science or high school biology course prior to enrolling in BIO 210.