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HGTC Names SCTEA Educator of the Year Award Winners 2025

(Conway, SC) 02/25/2025

SCTEA Awards Group Photo 2025HGTC Educator of the Year Award Winners 2025

Pictured left to right:  Kari Royals, Administrative Assistant for the Executive Vice President for Academic and Workforce Development, in the staff category; Ed McCarthy, Professor for Electronics Engineering Technology and Assistant Chair for Engineering Technology and Golf and Sports Turf Management in the faculty/teaching category, and Harold Hawley, Vice President of Finance & Administration, in the administrator/manager category,

Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC)  is pleased to announce three (3) of its employees have been selected and honored as the South Carolina Technical Education Association’s (SCTEA) “Educators of the Year.”

The employees were recognized along with their colleagues from other South Carolina technical colleges at SCTEA’s annual conference February 20-22, 2025 where they received a certificate and a cash award. 

The purpose of the association’s Educator of the Year Awards is to provide annual recognition for outstanding service and achievement in the categories of administrator/manager, faculty/teaching, and staff in the South Carolina Technical College System.

HGTC’s Educator of the Year Award Winners recognized at the SCTEA Conference include:

  • Harold Hawley, Vice President of Finance & Administration, in the administrator/manager category,
  • Ed McCarthy, Professor for Electronics Engineering Technology and Assistant Chair for Engineering Technology and Golf and Sports Turf Management in the faculty/teaching category, and
  • Kari Royals, Administrative Assistant for the Executive Vice President for Academic and Workforce Development, in the staff category.

The award recipients were nominated by their peers for superior leadership in their departments, quality work ethic, and community involvement.

“HGTC is proud of the outstanding service and achievements of these special individuals.  Their dedication to our College is reflected in the unique vote of confidence of their peers,” said Dr. Marilyn “Murph” Fore, HGTC President.  “We are extremely blessed to have employees whose professionalism is second to none in higher education.  Our faculty and staff are working harder than ever to serve our students and this community.”