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Dr. Marilyn Murphy Fore (left), HGTC President, presents Art Gray (right), HGTC Warehouse & Inventory Clerk, with the Temporary Staff of the Year Award 2023 at the HGTC All-College Meeting.
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) is excited to announce HGTC staff member, Mr. Art Gray, received the Temporary Staff Member of the Year Award for 2023.
As HGTC’s Warehouse & Inventory Clerk, Art Gray’s role is often behind the scenes, but his impact reverberates throughout the college. His diligence ensures mail, supplies, and equipment reach the right destinations, contributing to the smooth functioning of the institution.
Throughout his tenure, he has exemplified what it truly means to be dependable and selfless. Each day, he walks through the doors with a beaming smile and outgoing demeanor that sets the tone for an encouraging and collaborative work environment.
“But it's not just about the smiles; Art is consistently going above and beyond, taking on additional tasks. This exceptional commitment to excellence is an embodiment of our college's values and mission and has not gone unnoticed. His remarkable work ethic and willingness to assist anyone in need make them a beacon of support. He personifies what it means to have a servant’s heart and be a proud member of our HGTC family,” said Harold Hawley, HGTC vice president for finance and administration.
Art’s colleagues have the pleasure of witnessing his remarkable qualities as his attitude, respect, and politeness set the standard for others. His simple yet profound gesture of inquiring about the well-being of others shows his thoughtfulness and consideration.