Becky Hubbard Receives 2022 Woman on the Move Award
SCAAWCC Presents Award to HGTC’s Becky Hubbard as a “Mover & Shaker”.
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) is proud to announce that Chair Becky Hubbard,
HGTC Chair and Professor of Teacher Education, has been recognized by the South Carolina Chapter of the American Association for
Women in Community Colleges (SCAAWCC).
Hubbard was identified as a 2022 Woman on the Move in the South Carolina Technical College System as part of the annual recognition of “movers and shakers” on community college campuses. The award recognizes and elevates exceptional women from community colleges who consistently exceed expectations. SCAAWCC seeks to identify outstanding women who are making a difference beyond the scope of their positions at the college they serve.
“Chair Becky Hubbard has been a leader in South Carolina, helping to create a unique program and innovative partnerships. The HGTC Associate in Applied Science degree in Teacher Education is the only one of its kind in a two-year technical college in the state. To support students, Chair Hubbard partnered with the Center for Educator Recruitment, Retention, and Advancement (CERRA) to create pathways for students. She also developed partnerships with local school districts to develop a ‘grow your own’ teachers’ program, and the College was recently awarded a $750,000 SC CREATE grant. The HGTC/CCU partnership is the only CREATE partnership with a two-year technical college,” said Dr. Jennifer Wilbanks, HGTC Executive Vice President for Academic and Workforce Development.