HGTC Honors Program Thriving for Honors Students
HGTC and CCU Sign Contract Approving an Official Partnership for Honors Students.
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) is reporting record growth and renewed interest
in the HGTC Honors Program this year. More students are becoming aware of the program
and enrolling in courses to complete an honors level education at the College. The
purpose of the Honors Program is to augment the learning environment for exceptional
students by means of exposure to rigorous in and out-of-class learning opportunities,
mentorship, involvement in community and global awareness projects, and a specialized
setting that develops students who are intellectual and diverse leaders.
“We are very excited about the increased interest that has been shown from both students and faculty members regarding the HGTC Honors Program. Our numbers are growing, and we hope that pattern will continue,” said Laura Sarvis, HGTC Honors Program Coordinator and Professor of Mathematics. “We are continuously seeking eligible students and hoping they will apply for admission into the program as early in their HGTC experience as possible. I encourage all interested students to visit the website and apply.”
HGTC students, who are currently enrolled in either an Associate of Arts (AA) or an Associate of Science (AS) program including transfer and dual enrollment students, are eligible to apply for the HGTC Honors Program. Students interested in the HGTC Honors Program can apply as soon as the minimum admissions criteria is met.
Students must be enrolled in either an AA or AS Program of Study and at least one of the following:
- College GPA of at least 3.5 with 12 or more university transferable credit hours
- High school unweighted GPA of at least 3.5
- ACT Score of 26 or above
- SAT combined score of 1200+ (Math & Verbal Combined)
Once accepted into the program, students are expected to complete at least 1 honors course per semester (Fall and Spring). Two honors courses are allowed and encouraged within a semester, but enrollment in more than two honors courses in a semester would require authorization.
The specific courses to fulfill the minimum requirements would be chosen from the AA/AS degree requirements. We are currently offering Honors Courses through a contract model where the Honors student takes the regular class, but arranges with the faculty member for alternate, Honors-level work.
The Honors Contract would be completed by the professor and signed by the student at the beginning of the course. Evidence of contract completion would be provided near the end of the course.
Delani Gillespie, an HGTC nursing major in the Honors Program, would eventually like to earn her Doctor of Nursing with a special interest in emergency medicine and neurology. She works as a Patient Care Technician at Grand Strand Medical Center and currently Lifeguard, CPR, BLS, Stop the bleed, and WSI certified.
Gillespie says, “The HGTC Honors Program not only provides me with more in-depth knowledge of the information in my classes but also allows me to build a bond with my professors and other students with similar career paths. The program will also be an added benefit beyond my coursework when I begin submitting applications and resumes for jobs.”
Nadia Mosley, an HGTC Honors Program student, has applied to the HGTC Nursing Program. Originally from Russia, she earned her Dental Assistant diploma 10 years ago. Once she was granted her citizenship in 2018, she decided to return in 2021 to earn her nursing degree to practice medicine.
Mosley explains, “It’s not every day you can feel special. I am an ordinary student who struggles with many aspects of college studies. We all have challenges and responsibilities, such as bills and childcare. The HGTC Honors Program makes me feel special. I am able to work one on one with my professors for unique assignments. I love how immersive my experience is with the College.”
The next open application window for students to apply is April 25, 2022 – May 20, 2022.
HGTC courses, officially designated as honors courses, are eligible to transfer to the Honors Program at Coastal Carolina University (CCU). A contract between HGTC and CCU was just signed as an official partnership. Up to 18 credit hours will be counted toward the 24 credits of honors courses that are required for graduating from the CCU Honors Program. HGTC students who graduate from the HGTC Honors Program with a GPA of 3.5 or higher will automatically be accepted into the CCU Honors Program. Students who are in good standing in the HGTC Honors Program but have not graduated from the HGTC Honors Program will also be invited to apply to the CCU Honors Program.
Interested students who have questions or concerns before applying may contact Laura Sarvis at laura.sarvis@hgtc.edu or Janessa Bauer janessa.bauer@hgtc.edu.