HGTC’s Becky Hubbard Sworn in as Guardian ad Litem
Judge Melissa Buckhannon (left) performed the swearing in ceremony with Becky Hubbard (right) on May 20, 2021.
Horry-Georgetown Technical College (HGTC) Teacher Education Department Chair, Becky Hubbard, was recently sworn in as a Guardian ad Litem (GAL) for South Carolina. As a GAL volunteer, Hubbard will work with the SC Department of Children’s Advocacy to advocate for the best interests of abused/neglected children in South Carolina.
GAL volunteers are caring individuals with a passion for service from a wide range of backgrounds who lend their voices to speak up for the state’s most vulnerable children. Hubbard has committed her time to helping ensure each child she serves has a promising future. Her recommendations to the court will help the judge make an informed decision about a child’s future.
GAL volunteers provide a stable presence in a child’s life, remaining on each case until the child finds a safe, permanent home. According to the SC Department of Children’s Advocacy, “this is one cause where the actions of a single person mean everything. One volunteer trained and empowered, will help ensure every child can thrive.” Children need a voice in court proceedings and the GAL provides that voice, by building trust and rapport with the child and advocating for their best interest. Volunteers must be compassionate and have a desire to help children and be willing to commit 4-6 hours a month to the program. For more information or to get involved, please contact Erin Marshall, erin.marshall@childadvocate.sc.gov or 843-517-1216.