50th Anniversary golf tourney raises money for students
Twenty-four foursomes braved the heat last weekend to celebrate HGTC’s 50th Anniversary
by raising $4,775 for the Student Emergency Fund.
The tournament was at The Hackler Course. The First Place team included Harold Hawley, Alex Hawley, Jason Perry and Zach Taylor. Second Place went the foursome with Zach Estridge, Kent Brown, Ridge Alford and Mike Parah. Third Place went to Brian Ferguson, Scott Benninga, Bobby Sundy and Bert Wiilliams. Michael Parah was closest to the pin #5 and Trae Venters was closest to the pin #15. Jake Dobrey won men’s longest drive and Pat Kasko won women’s longest drive.
Thank you to all players and volunteers for a great event!
See more photos here!