HGTC Student Group Recognized Nationally
The Alpha Nu Sigma chapter is proud to announce that the Horry-Georgetown Technical College Chapter received the following recognition recently in Orlando before 4,000 college students and faculty from around the nation:
- Distinguished Chapter Officer – Kelly Botoulas
- Continued Excellence Award for Advisors – Beth Carraway
- Distinguished College Project Award for the work with new student orientations and COL105 visits
- Distinguished Honors in Action Project for research and work with Miracle League
- Distinguished Honors in Action Theme Award
- Beta Alpha Continued Excellence Award for being named a Distinguished Chapter for three consecutive years
And the biggest news of the night…
- Alpha Nu Sigma was named the sixth runner-up to Most Distinguished Chapter. This means HGTC is one of only 10 chapters of 1,285 to be named as a finalist for Most Distinguished Chapter.