- eReading Instructions LibGuide
- Flipster (Digital Magazines)
- Axis 360(Downloadable eBooks)
- hoopla Digital(Downloadable eBooks)
- EBSCO eBook Collection (Full-text)
- Ebook Central (Full-text eBooks)
- University Press Scholarship Online (Full-text eBooks)
- TumbleBookLibrary (Full-text eBooks)
A-Z Databases
Use A-Z Databases to view our full list of databases by name, subject, and vendor.
HGTC OneSearch (Advanced Search)
(Formerly SmartSearch by Discus)
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Please contact Library Staff or use Express Version
Other Websites:
Submit your questions and view our FAQs on LibAnswers, or chat with us live.
- Call us: (843) 349-5394
- Text your question to (843) 375-8552
- Contact your Personal Librarian
- Tweet your question to @hgtclibrary
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Library News
- We will be providing free coffee for students from 10:00 am-2:00 pm in the Grand Strand Campus Library on Thursday, March 12th.Mar 12, 2025 04:03 pm
- “Sippin’ in the Library”We will be providing free coffee for students from 10:00am-1:30pm in the Grand Strand Campus Library on Tuesday, February 18th. “Tuesday Trivia on the Grand Strand Campus” – Celebrating Black History MonthTuesday, February 18th, 12:00pm in GS Library Classroom 304 – Eat, play, win!Feb 13, 2025 11:02 am
PLEASE NOTE: Click on the All Special Hours Posted link here or below for more information about closures.
Conway Campus Library (Main Campus)
2050 Highway 501 E.
Conway, SC 29526-6066
(843) 349-5268, Fax (843) 349-7811
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm
All Special Hours Posted
Elizabeth Mattocks Chapin Library on the Grand Strand Campus
3639 Pampas Drive
Myrtle Beach, SC 29577
(843) 477-2012
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-5:00 pm
Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm**
All Special Hours Posted
** Grand Strand Library will be CLOSED alternating Fridays in the Spring Semester
(Closed 2/7, 2/21, 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2). Conway Library is OPEN.
Georgetown Campus Library
4003 South Fraser St.
Georgetown, SC 29440-9620
(843) 520-1424
Monday-Thursday 8:00 am-4:30 pm
Friday 8:00 am-12:00 pm**
All Special Hours Posted
** Georgetown Library will be CLOSED alternating Fridays in the Spring Semester
(Closed 2/7, 2/21, 3/7, 3/21, 4/4, 4/18, 5/2). Conway Library is OPEN.
HGTC Libraries offer the following services to faculty, staff, students, and the public.
HGTC students, faculty, administration, and staff may check out library materials with their HGTC ID. Residents of Horry and Georgetown Counties are invited to apply for a library card at any of the three campus locations by presenting a valid South Carolina photo identification with their current residence in Horry or Georgetown counties. Residents can use their HGTC library card at all three campus libraries. The first card is free and replacement cards are $5.00 each. This SC ID will also need to be presented alongside the HGTC library card during item checkout.
Intracampus Borrowing
With Intracampus Loan, patrons can order materials belonging to any of the three HGTC libraries and have the materials delivered to their home campus. Speak to a library staff member to request an item.
Interlibrary Loan
In order to meet specific research needs of students, faculty, and staff, the library offers an Interlibrary Loan service. Through this service, HGTC Library patrons may borrow materials from other libraries throughout the country. You can request an Interlibrary Loan with this form, or by speaking with a library staff member.
PASCAL Delivers
PASCAL Delivers allows current HGTC employees and students to request books from other South Carolina colleges and universities. PASCAL items may be obtained through HGTC OneSearch.
CCU Borrowing Privileges
Students, faculty, and staff with an HGTC library card and proof of their current schedule from myHGTC may also borrow materials from Coastal Carolina University's Kimbel Library. Anyone taking advantage of this reciprocal borrowing agreement must comply with all of Kimbel Library's policies.
Computer Privileges
All three HGTC campus libraries are equipped with computers to support academic research and related school work. Each computer has Microsoft Office Suite and Internet access. Facilities at the library, including computer workstations, are available for public use.
Students are given 300 free black & white prints for the fall, spring, and summer terms (summer is collectively considered one term for printing purposes even though we have multiple summer options for classes). 300 prints are calculated as printed single sides of a page. Currently, 600 double-sided prints count as 300 prints. This allocation is replenished each term but is capped at 300 and does not accumulate over time. These complimentary prints are available from library printers only at each campus. Additional print services beyond the 300 prints are available for a fee at the Conway campus through the Print Services department or at the other campuses through local providers. HGTC libraries do not offer print services to public patrons at this time.
The library offers a collection of downloadable eBooks and offers a large selection of downloadable digital magazines through Flipster available to students, faculty, and staff. Flipster titles can be downloaded to smartphones, tablets, laptops, and PCs via free apps.
Law Library Collection
The Law Library Collection is not current and is maintained for historical purposes only. Some of the collection is accessible in the main library, but many materials have been relocated to better serve the students enrolled in the paralegal program and, as such, are not readily accessible to the general public. Some individual volumes or items found in the HGTC OneSearch catalog may be moved to our main circulation desk for use by public patrons with 48 hours’ notice.
Item Lending Periods
Circulating Books: 3 weeks/3 renewals
Reference Books: not applicable/library use only
Reserve Materials: 4 hours/library use only
Study Rooms: 4 hours
Circulating DVDs/Videos: 3 weeks/3 renewals
Popular DVDs: 7 days/no renewal
TI-83 Calculators: end of current term/no renewal
Magazines: not applicable/library use only
**Library items may be renewed by phone or online if they are not overdue.**
Lost Items
When library materials or equipment are lost or damaged, patrons will be responsible for either the following fee or the purchasing price of the item lost:
Circulating Books: $50.00
Circulating Educational DVDs: $50.00
Popular DVDs: $25.00
Reserve Materials: $100.00 minimum
TI-83 Calculators: $150.00
Delinquent Borrowers
Students with excessive fines or unreturned materials and/or equipment will have a hold placed on their account and be blocked from all borrowing privileges and from receiving transcripts. Please see a librarian at the campus nearest you to pay fines for any lost materials and processing charges. When the account is cleared of all fees, student account holds will be removed.
Study Rooms
Each campus library offers private study rooms that can hold anywhere from one to four people - perfect for quietly studying for an exam or working with a group on a project. Click here to view the study room rules and regulations.
Food & Drink Rules and Regulations
Please see posted signs indicating food and drink policy at each campus library.
Noise & Cell Phone Rules and Regulations
As an academic library, we seek to provide a scholarly environment that allows for quiet study. Although we recognize that certain library activities (such as Reference and Circulation) generate some noise, we ask that all patrons and staff work cooperatively to minimize noise in the library. If you must talk in the library, please respect those who seek a quiet place to study by keeping your voice to a whisper and your conversation to a minimum. Students are asked to use areas outside the library for calls and general conversation. Click here to view the noise and cell phone rules and regulations.
Computer and Internet Rules and Regulations
Computers in the library are provided for educational purposes only. Priority is always
given to students conducting school-related research or work. Illicit Internet sites
are strictly prohibited at all HGTC campus libraries. Computers are carefully monitored
at each campus to prevent this type of use. See the library's computer rules and regulations and the college's computer policy and procedure.
The Library of Horry-Georgetown Technical College will accept donations with the understanding that they will not necessarily be added to the collection. The Donation Form will be submitted with the donation. Donations are acknowledged with a form letter. Click here to view our collection development guidelines.
The selection of Library books and materials is based on the library user’s right to read and his/her freedom from censorship by others. Some Library materials are controversial and may offend some persons. Selections for the Library will not be made on the basis of anticipated approval or disapproval, but rather on the merits of the material in relation to the building of the collection, and to serving the interests of the users and supporting the curriculum.
The Library holds censorship to be a purely individual matter and declares that while anyone is free to reject for him/herself books and other materials of which he/she does not approve; he/she cannot exercise the right of censorship to restrict the freedom of others.
Selection cannot be governed by the chance that books may come into the possession of minors. Should a patron challenge Library materials, that individual will be expected to complete a Request for Reconsideration of Library Materials Form. Upon completion of this form, Library leadership will make an evaluation of the request.