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Distance Learning (Online)

Affordable, high-quality online education that fits your schedule!

HGTC understands completing a college degree in a traditional classroom setting doesn’t work for everyone.

That's why HGTC gives you the flexibility to fit education into your lifestyle through online and hybrid program options!

SC Tech ConnectChristina Fieber
SCTechConnect Representative
Contact:  christina.fieber@hgtc.edu

Contact Us

(843) 349-3186

Affordable, high-quality online education that fits your schedule!

Computer Requirements

Learn more about computer hardware and software required for taking online programs and courses.

 How to apply for online learning programs at HGTC

How to Apply

Follow these five easy steps to apply for the Distance Learning Institute (DLi) at HGTC.  
 Paying for online programs at HGTC

Paying for College

Think college isn’t affordable?  Think again! HGTC offers a variety of state and federal programs that make college affordable, no matter your income.


Students can take online courses & programs from HGTC in 49 states

HGTC is an approved member of the National Council for State Authorization Reciprocity Agreements (NC-SARA), through which HGTC can deliver online courses and programs to 49 states, District of Columbia, Puerto Rico and US Virgin Islands.  At this time, HGTC cannot offer online education in the state of California, nor in the territories of American Samoa and Guam. 


Professional Licensure | Certification Disclosure

The U.S. Code of Federal Regulation [34 C.F.R. § 668.43(a)(5)(v)] requires institutions to communicate their licensure or certification requirements to prospective and current students.  

Licensing boards in each state are responsible for establishing the requirements for licensure/certification for their state.  At HGTC, some programs are  designed to meet the licensure/certification requirements in South Carolina and to prepare students to apply for licensure exams or certification within the state.   Please visit "HGTC Professional Licensure Disclosure" page to find HGTC's determination if a programs meets or does not meet the educational requirements for licensure or certification, in states other than South Carolina. If you are planning to pursue professional licensure or certification in a state other than South Carolina, the College strongly encourages you to contact the appropriate licensing board in the state in which you wish to practice for information and guidance regarding licensure or certification.